由 SJH 發表於 2011-05-19
RubyConf Taiwan 2011將於2011年8月26-27日(週五、週六)於中央研究院舉行。我們從即日起開始接受投稿,任何與Ruby語言相關的主題都歡迎您的投稿與大家分享。
- Tutorial: 60或120分鐘,安排在第一天
- Talk: 30或60分鐘,安排在第二天
請在截止日前將您的演講題目、摘要、個人簡介及演講時間長度投遞至 2011@rubyconf.tw
RubyConf Taiwan 2011 will be held on August 26-27, 2011 in Academia Sinica, Taipei. If you want to give a presentation at RubyConf Taiwan 2011, please submit your proposal. Any topics related to Ruby are welcomed.
The deadline of call of presentations is July 1, 2011. We have two kinds of session for speakers:
- Tutorial: 60 or 120 minutes at Day 1
- Talk: 30 or 60 minutes at Day 2
Please submit the subject, extract, author intro and talk length you want, by sending email to: 2011@rubyconf.tw